You can also access individual articles of this journal:
1. Screening of In vitro α-amylase Inhibitory Activity of Wild Orchids of Nepal
2. Growth Promoting Effect of Endophytic Bacteria Bacillus subtilis From Leaves of Vanda cristata and Its Potential Impact on In vitro Growth of Orchid
3. Growth Promoting Role of Phytase Producing Bacteria Isolated from Bambusa tulda Roxb. Rhizosphere in Maize Seedlings Under Pot Conditions
Dhurva Prasad Gauchan, Shishir Pandey, Bikash Pokhrel, Nabin Bogati, Puja Thapa, Ashesh
Acharya, Bishnu Maya KC, Janardan Lamichhane
Pages 17-26
4. In vitro Propagation and Assessment of Genetic Homogeneity using RAPD and ISSR Markers in Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Hook. F. & Thoms, An Important Medicinal Plant of Nepal
5. Facile Synthesis of Zinc Carbonate and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Antimicrobial Properties
Guna B. Karki, Kshama Parajuli, Subhav Adhikari, Shankar P. Khatiwada, Rameshwar Adhikari
Pages 37-43
6. Wild and Cultivated Mushrooms of Nepal as a Source of Nutrients and Nutraceuticals
7. Production of Cellulase from the Municipal Waste Residue by a Novel Cellulolytic Fungi
Puja Bhatt, Garima Bista, Mukesh Yadav, Sujeeta Maharjan, Pravesh Paudel, Usha Lamsal, Sanoj
Katharia, Jarina Joshi
Pages 52-57
8. Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Suspected Asthmatic Children by Conventional RT-PCR Assays in Kathmandu
9. Lipids: A Key Regulatory Hub in Plant Stress Adaptation
10. Fungal Diseases of Tomato in Kathmandu Valley
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